Hold your event at our spacious clubhouse located in the woods in Rhinebeck NY. There is plenty of room for parking, a huge meeting / dining area and a commercial kitchen is available for use if needed.
Download the rental agreement/application and send it along with a check made out to Neighbors’ Gun Club Inc. for the rental fee plus deposit and the required insurance certificate(s) to Neighbors Gun Club, PO Box 460, Rhinebeck NY 12572
NOTE: Please submit your application at least 60 days before your planned event to allow ample time for processing and to ensure maximum chance of avoiding conflicts with other events.

* Rentals do not include the use of any NGC firing ranges. The discharge of firearms, bows, crossbows or similar during the event by the leasee or their guests, regardless of membership status is prohibited. Requests for exceptions are considered on a case by case basis and must be explicitly approved, in writing, by the board of directors and may require additional fees and insurance coverage.
*The use of Neighbors Gun Club property for any commercial purpose requires explicit written approval by the board of directors and may require additional fees and insurance coverage.